6 secret ingredients everybody above 40 should know about
Those who reached this age milestone most probably know what I am talking about. The body changes. Its not due to a shift in perception, nor it is the [...]
radmin2021-05-18T13:30:58+03:00Body and health|
Those who reached this age milestone most probably know what I am talking about. The body changes. Its not due to a shift in perception, nor it is the [...]
radmin2021-02-23T14:12:33+02:00Body and health, Diet|
С распространением сои в Европе и Америке постоянно возникает вопрос: «Хороша ли соя для человеческого организма или вредна?» Именно поэтому современная наука уже более полувека изучает состав и особенности сои. [...]
radmin2021-02-10T15:31:49+02:00Body and health, Food intolerance|
неправильные привычки питания, в том числе однообразная, бедная клетчаткой пища; недостаточное употребление жидкости (вода, растительный чай); спешка по будням: частое подавление кишечной деятельности со временем приводит к запорам; недостаточная физическая [...]
radmin2020-11-23T16:22:31+02:00Body and health, News|
Improper nutrition is one of the main causes of diseases of the joints and spine. This is caused by the deposition of toxins and the distortion of mineral metabolism. As [...]
radmin2020-11-23T16:24:09+02:00Body and health, News|
WORLD’S BEST SOUP – OR WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF SALVESTROL – A NATURAL PROTECTION AGAINST CANCER Salvestrol (from lat. Salvus – whole, safe) is a substance produced by some [...]
radmin2020-11-23T16:26:42+02:00Biokliinik medical services, Body and health, Effective treatments, News|
Its amazing how a computer-based health testing system can reveal hidden diseases! It’s real, it works, and Loodus BioSpa and Loodus Biokliinik offers such possibility to you. Dr. Natalia Trofimova [...]
radmin2020-11-23T16:27:35+02:00Body and health, Detox, News, Weight loss|
Green juices and smoothies are in, it has become a real trend in the last couple of years. But are they really useful? Juice or smoothie combines several servings of [...]
radmin2020-11-23T16:28:50+02:00Body and health, Detox, Diet, Fasting, News, Weight loss|
To loose the excess weight, feel energised, to fit into your favourite clothes, to get that glow on your skin and a sparkle in your eye, our specialists recommend the [...]
radmin2020-11-23T16:29:41+02:00Body and health, Diet, News, Weight loss|
Summer is the time to relax and enjoy. Enjoy ice cream, the weather, a BBQ party with a glass of wine or cold beer. That’s not so healthy, you’d say? [...]